We provide a wide-array of clinical assessment services to children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. Please click on the Clinical Services page for more information.
Medical Psychology Associates utilizes a wide array of highly effective, valid, efficient, and informative assessment instruments, platforms, and interfaces. We own or have access to over five hundred different tests or measures across a comprehensive continuum of potential diagnoses, traits, symptoms, concerns, and conditions.
We utilize three separate on-line or cloud-based interfaces (Q-global), Q-Local, & PAR iConnect) which allow our patients the flexibility of taking certain tests outside the normal office parameters (when appropriate) such as their home, a hospital or other type of facility or other appropriate locations while also allowing the freedom to take the tests at a time of their choosing.
Our in-office testing facility is 100% private and contains a private bathroom & mini-kitchen which allows test-takers to relax and focus on the tests they are completing. See Information Regarding COVID-19 & Tele-Medicine Options.
Testing Facility
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